The contribution of coordination of collective bargaining

Giugno 2016

The project , in particular , has the following specific objective:

  • measuring – at UE level and for different members State – the distribution of the value of food consumption among the cost items in the agri food supply chain with specific reference to the value of the remuneration of workers;
  • highlight the benefits for workers and consumers in the coordination of collective bargaining in the food chain;
  • identify a set of best practices for coordination of collective bargaining in the agri food chain level by analyzing the contribution to a fairest remuneration of workers and better working conditions;
  • highlight in a qualitative manner possible relationships between the coordination of collective bargaining practices in the food chain level and greater distribution of the value of food consumption in favour of workers;
  • identify a set of guidelines for the coordination of collective bargaining in the agri-food chain.
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