Undeclared work in Bulgaria and how to fight it

Undeclared work in Bulgaria and how to fight it

Undeclared work deprives workers of fair payment, social and health insurance, annual leave and other payments, regulated by labour law. The total number of the people officially paying social contributions in the Bulgarian agriculture sector is 110.605 out of...
Undeclared work in Bulgaria and how to fight it

Il lavoro nero in Bulgaria

Il lavoro non dichiarato priva i lavoratori di equo compenso, assicurazione sociale e sanitaria, ferie annuali e altri pagamenti, regolati dal diritto del lavoro. Il numero totale di persone che pagano ufficialmente contributi sociali nel settore agricolo bulgaro è...

The 4th report “Agromafias and gangmasters”

What is the Placido Rizzotto Observatory The Observatory was founded by Flai Cgil in 2012, just a few months after the state funeral celebrated in Corleone in memory of Placido Rizzotto, a trade unionist killed by the Sicilian Mafia in 1948. Its task is to investigate...

Raise up and the European platform tackling undeclared work

The Raise up project was recently cited in the last document by the European Platform against Undeclared Work, as an example of positive practice to be monitored. Just as suggested by our project, for the period 2019/2020, the Platform has included agriculture in its...